The Web is the everything protocol
I love building websites; I also hate the Web.
I like the concept of the Web: interlinked documents with optional embedded media. Just pages of text with images and videos here and there. Think books but with interactive elements. The Web was meant to be that: a great document reader.
Yet we're increasingly treating it as an SDK of some sort. A Universal Application Development ToolKit. Further and further emulating native applications using JavaScript APIs.
Just look at the ridiculous scope of these Javascript APIs: WebBattery, WebBluetooth, WebGamepad, WebVibration, WebVR, WebMIDI, WebUSB, WebDRM, and WebXR. What's all this stuff needed for? Yea, it makes sense for a Universal Application Development ToolKit, but it's absolutely absurd to implement in a document reader:
[On gemini there's] absolutely no question of accidentally ending up [on] a shady [website] which starts using your computer to mine cryptocurrency for somebody else, because what kind of insane person would design document reading software where that's a thing that could possibly happen under any circumstances?
The Web platform is so insanely overscoped, that it's difficult to even begin to understand:
The total word count of the W3C specification catalogue is 114 million words at the time of writing. If you added the combined word counts of the C11, C++17, UEFI, USB 3.2, and POSIX specifications, all 8,754 published RFCs, and the combined word counts of everything on Wikipedia's list of longest novels, you would be 12 million words short of the W3C specifications.
Web browsers are responsible for more than 8,000 CVEs.
It's easy to see why it played out like this. Nowadays, every computer has a Web browser, which means a web app has perfect cross-platform compatibility at virtually no cost.
Worse, the Web browser is becoming a standalone OS of its own. Google's literally made their browser their OS—and it worked! To end users, the browser is the OS. It's the first thing they open when starting their computer. What little "desktop" applications they install are often built with Electron, which is just running a browser engine without the browser chrome.
Yet again, it's not remarkable that it played out like this:
To paraphrase Churchill, Electron is the worst architecture for desktop applications, except for all the other ones that have been tried.
My problem with the Web is that it's trying to be two very different things—and failing at both:
An SDK, a platform for developing and shipping applications. Javascript is an absolutely horrible language. For many advanced applications, the JS bundle is so big—looking at you, Google Earth, that the poor Chromebooks at school straight up crash; the only way to bring them back to life is a hard reboot. Furthermore, not everyone can run Javascript. So far for compatibility.
A good document reader—don't tell me you think this nightmare fuel is decent.
The Web tries to be everything. It's a shopping centre, a workplace, a cafe, a chatroom, a game engine. I just want it to be a good document reader.
Building a single all-encompassing standard—an everything protocol—was a mistake.
We have standalone protocols for those things, you know. We have FTP and network shares for file sharing, IRC and XMPP for chatting, SMTP and DMARC for email, and RSS for syndicating creative work to audiences.
And if we don't have protocols for the things the Web is trying—and failing—to do, maybe, just maybe, we should build them.